
大学院博士前期課程アドミッションポリシー Master’s Program Admissions Policy for Kyutech Graduate Schools


九州工業大学大学院は、開学以来の理念である「技術に堪能なる士君子」の養成に基づき、高い専門性と深い学識を持ち、卓越した能力と豊かな創造性を持って、研究・開発に従事できる高度技術者を育成します。 理工学系専門分野において、独創的思考および研究開発活動を行うための高度な知識と実践的解決力の修得を目指し、これらに必要な基礎学力、専門基礎知識を修得しているとともに、国際化に対応できるコミュニケーション力、様々な文化の理解、技術が社会に果たす役割の理解、自立性、協調性を身につけている皆さんの入学を期待します。

(1)技術者に必要な基礎学力と工学専門分野の知識を修得し、自然現象を科学的に理解できる (2)人、社会及び文化に関して理解できる (3)工学・技術が社会で果たす役割を理解できる (4)背景や文脈を理解して適切に説明できる日本語能力、および外国語によるコミュニケーションの基本的能力を修得している (5)問題解決に必要な論理的思考力、分析力、説明能力を修得している (6)技術者としての倫理観と責任感を備え、社会に貢献する志を有する (7)自己を律する自己管理ができ、自発的な活動ができる (8)人々と協調でき、個人の能力も発揮できる

入学者の選抜においては、(1),(4)及び(5)の一部については主に筆記試験とTOEIC/TOEFLスコアにより、(2),(3)については主に成績証明書により、(5)の一部、(6)、(7)、(8)については面接試験により評価します。 なお,外国人留学生に関しては、(4)の日本語能力は日本語以外の言語(母国語など)でも可とします。

Based on the motto of the university since its foundation – to instill a deep knowledge of science and engineering in high caliber students – Kyutech Graduate Schools foster highly-skilled engineers who actively participate in research and development, with a high degree of professionalism and in-depth knowledge, outstanding abilities and high creativity. With the aim of acquiring advanced knowledge and practical problem-solving abilities for creative thinking and research and development activities in the specialized fields of science and engineering, we seek students who, have acquired basic academic abilities that are essential for further study and basic expertise, as well as global communication skills, understanding of diverse cultures, understanding of social roles of technology, independence, and cooperativeness.

Students should (1) Understand natural phenomena scientifically with the acquisition of basic academic abilities that are essential for engineers and knowledge of the specialized field of engineering (2) Understand human beings, society, and cultures (3) Understand the roles of engineering and technology in society (4) Have acquired Japanese language or native tongue proficiency for understanding backgrounds and context and providing explanations properly, and a basic ability to communicate in English (5) Have acquired abilities in logical thinking, analysis, and explanation that are essential for problem-solving (6) Have ethical standards and a sense of commitment as an engineer, and have an aim of contributing to society (7) Have self-discipline, and carry out voluntary activities (8) Cooperate with other individuals and make full use of individuals’ capabilities For admissions selection, We evaluate (1), (4), and part of (5) mainly by written examination and TOEIC/TOEFL scores, (2) and (3) mainly by academic transcript, and part of (5), (6), (7) and (8) by interview.

For international students, Japanese language proficiency in (4) can also be evaluated by language other than Japanese (mother tongue, etc.).

工学府(前期)/Graduate School of Engineering (Master’s Program)

<技術者及び研究者としての養成目標> 「ものづくり」を基盤とした最先端科学技術分野において、開学以来掲げてきた「技術に堪能なる士君子」、すなわち、豊かな教養と技術者倫理ならびにコミュニケーション力を備え、科学技術の進歩に対応できる工学基礎力・専門技術力を有し、国際的に活躍できる専門技術者の素養と能力に加え、深い専門知識とそれに基づく課題発見・設定・解決能力、多様な文化の理解に基づく国際的コミュニケーション力を有するグローバル社会で活躍する高度専門技術者の養成を目指しています。

<求める人材> (1)基礎学力を充分に修得し、(2)チャレンジ精神が旺盛で、果敢に新たな課題を求め、その解決に取り組もうとする前向きな姿勢を持ち、(3)グローバルな視点で物事を考えることができる人材を求めます。

<一般選抜及び推薦選抜で受け入れる人材> (1)技術者に必要な基礎学力と工学専門分野の知識を修得し、自然現象を科学的に理解でき、(2)外国語によるコミュニケーションのための基本的能力を修得し、(3)問題解決に必要な論理的思考力、分析力、説明能力を修得している人材を受け入れます。

<社会人特別選抜で受け入れる人材> (1)社会人技術者、研究者等が在職のまま修学し、大学と社会との交流を深め、学問と技術の発展に寄与することを目的とし、(2)技術者に必要な基礎学力と工学専門分野の知識を修得し、自然現象を科学的に理解でき、(3)外国語によるコミュニケーションのための基本的能力を修得し、(4)問題解決に必要な論理的思考力、分析力、説明能力を修得している人材を受け入れま す。

<外国人留学生特別選抜で受け入れる人材> (1)技術者に必要な基礎学力と工学専門分野の知識を修得し、自然現象を科学的に理解でき、(2)問題解決に必要な論理的思考力、分析力、説明能力を修得している人材を受け入れます。

<Engineer and Researcher Development Objective> Our objective is to foster - to instill a deep knowledge of science and engineering in high caliber students – the motto of the university since its foundation, in the fields of the most-advanced science and technology based on “Monozukuri (creative engineering),” in other words we aim to educate highly-specialized engineers who will play an active role in global society, provided with a depth and breadth of education, ethics for engineers, and communication skills, having basic engineering skills and specialized technological skills to keep pace with advances in science and technology, in addition to accomplishments and capabilities as an internationally-active professional engineer, having in-depth expertise and abilities to find, set, and solve problems,and global communication skills based on understanding of diverse cultures.

<Students we seek> We seek talented persons who: (1) have sufficiently acquired basic academic abilities, (2) have a positive attitude to address and solve new challenges energetically, and (3) have global perspective.

<Students accepted by general admissions selection and recommendation selection> We accept talented persons who: (1) have acquired basic academic abilities and knowledge of the specialized field of engineering essential for engineers, and can understand natural phenomena scientifically, (2) have acquired a basic ability to communicate in English, and (3) have acquired abilities in logical thinking, analysis, and explanation essential for problem-solving.

<Students accepted by special admissions selection for working people> We accept talented persons who: (1) aim to study as engineers, researchers, etc., while working, deepen relationships between the university and society, and make a contribution to development in academics and technology, (2) have acquired basic academic abilities and knowledge of the specialized field of engineering essential for engineers, and can understand natural phenomena scientifically, (3) have acquired a basic ability to communicate in English, and (4) have acquired abilities in logical thinking, analysis, and explanation essential for problemsolving.

<Students accepted by special admissions selection for international students> We accept talented persons who: (1) have acquired basic academic abilities and knowledge of their specialized field of engineering essential for engineers, and can understand natural phenomena scientifically, and (2) have acquired abilities in logical thinking, analysis, and explanation essential for problem-solving.

大学院博士後期課程アドミッションポリシー Doctoral Program Admissions Policy for Kyutech Graduate Schools


九州工業大学大学院は、開学以来の理念である「技術に堪能なる士君子」の養成に基づき、高い専門性と深い学識を持ち、卓越した能力と豊かな創造性を持って、研究・開発に従事できる高度技術者を育成します。 理工学系専門分野において、最先端の知識と研究開発能力、および他分野と接する境界領域の知識の修得を目指し、これらに必要な専門分野の高度な知識を修得しているとともに、プレゼンテーション力、外国語によるコミュニケーション力、社会に果たす役割の理解、自立性、チームワーク力を身につけている皆さんの入学を期待します。

(1)技術者としての独創的思考および研究開発活動を行うための工学専門分野における高度な知識を修得している (2)各専門分野が社会で果たす役割を理解できる (3)研究開発に必要な問題解決能力を実践的な高度技能として修得している (4)新技術等を提案・公表するために必要なプレゼンテーション能力を修得している (5)外国語によるコミュニケーション能力を身に付けている (6)自己の役割の認識を深める態度を有している (7)未知の専門的課題に対して,その解決に向けた計画立案と作業の管理ができる (8)チームの一員としてチーム活動の改善を提案することができる


Based on the motto of the university since its foundation – to instill a deep knowledge of science and engineering in high caliber students – Kyutech Graduate Schools foster highly-skilled engineers who actively participate research and development, with a high degree of professionalism and in-depth knowledge, outstanding abilities and high creativity.

With the aim of acquiring state-of-the-art knowledge and research and development capabilities and also knowledge of boundary areas bordering on other fields in the specialized fields of science and engineering, we seek students who, have acquired advanced knowledge in the specialized fields, that are essential, and also presentation skills, communication skills in English, understanding of roles in society, independence, and teamwork skills.

Students should (1) Have acquired advanced knowledge in specialized fields of engineering for creative thinking and research and development activities as an engineer (2) Understand the roles of the specialized fields in society (3) Have acquired problem-solving skills that are essential for research and development as high levels of practical abilities (4) Have acquired presentation skills that are essential for proposal and announcements of new technologies, etc. (5) Have learned communication skills in English (6) Have an attitude toward deepening the awareness of their own roles (7) Make plans and manage work for solving unknown specialized challenges (8) Suggest improvements of group activities as a team member

For admissions selection, evaluations are made by research paper, research proposal, interview, and academic transcript.

工学府(後期)/Graduate School of Engineering (Doctoral Program)

<技術者及び研究者としての養成目標> 「ものづくり」を基盤とした最先端科学技術分野における高度な知識を有し、その科学技術社会への波及効果を十分に理解していることに加え、複数の専門分野の知識を身に付け、問題解決能力、独創力、創造性及び実践的技術者としての必要な資質を持ち、イノベーションを創出できる能力を有する人材の養成を目標としています。 さらに、グローバル化する社会の中で、異文化を理解し多文化環境下で新しい価値を生み出す能力を持ち、かつ、リーダーシップを発揮できる人材の育成も目指しています。

<求める人材> (1)技術者としての独創的思考及び研究開発活動を行うための工学専門分野における高度な知識を修得し、(2)新技術等を提案・公表するために必要なプレゼンテーション能力を修得し、(3)グローバル社会においてコミュニケーション能力を発揮できる人材を求めます。

<一般選抜で受け入れる人材> (1)研究開発に必要な問題解決能力を実践的な高度技能として修得し、(2)外国語によるコミュニケーション能力を身に付け、新技術等を提案・公表するために必要なプレゼンテーション能力を修得し、(3)未知の専門的課題に対して、その解決に向けた計画立案と作業の管理能力を習得している人材を求めます。

<社会人特別選抜で受け入れる人材> (1)社会人技術者、研究者等で、在職のまま修学し、大学と社会との交流を深め、学問と技術の発展に寄与することを目的とし、(2)研究開発に必要な問題解決能力を実践的な高度技能として修得し、(3)外国語によるコミュニケーション能力を身に付け、新技術等を提案・公表するために必要なプレゼンテーション能力を修得し、(4)未知の専門的課題に対して、その解決に向けた計画立案と作業の管理能力を習得している人材を求めます。

<外国人留学生特別選抜で受け入れる人材> (1)研究開発に必要な問題解決能力を実践的な高度技能として修得し、(2)未知の専門的課題に対して、その解決に向けた計画立案と作業の管理能力を習得している人材を受け入れます。

<Engineer and Researcher Development Objective> Our objective is to foster talented persons who have skills to innovate, being qualified as a practical engineer with problem-solving skills, originality, and creativity, having acquired knowledge in multiple fields of specialization, in addition to advanced knowledge in the most-advanced fields of science and technology based on “Monozukuri (creative engineering)” and understanding of ripple effects in the world of science and technology. Furthermore, we also aim to foster talented persons who understand different cultures in a globalized society, have skills to create new value under a multicultural environment, and can exercise leadership.

<Students we seek> We seek talented persons who: (1) have acquired advanced knowledge in specialized fields of engineering for creative thinking and research and development activities as an engineer, (2) have acquired presentation skills that are essential for proposal and announcements of new technologies, etc., and (3) can exercise communication skills in a global society.

<Students accepted by general admissions selection> We accept talented persons who: (1) have acquired problem-solving skills that are essential for research and development as high levels of practical abilities, (2) have learned communication skills in English, and acquired presentation skills that are essential for proposal and announcements of new technologies, etc., and (3) have acquired skills to and manage work for solving unknown specialized challenges.

<Students accepted by special admissions selection for working people> We accept talented persons who: (1) aim to study as engineers, researchers, etc., while working, deepen relationships between the university and society, and make a contribution to academic and technological development, (2) have acquired problem-solving skills that are essential for research and development as high levels of practical abilities, (3) have learned communication skills in English, and acquired presentation skills that are essential for proposal and announcements of new technologies, etc., and (4) have acquired skills to plan and manage work for solving unknown specialized challenges.

<Students accepted by special admissions selection for international students> We accept talented persons who: (1) have acquired problem-solving skills that are essential for research and development as high levels of practical abilities, and (2) have acquired skills to plan and manage work for solving unknown specialized challenges.