• 受賞理由が日本材料学会誌材料に掲載されました(2023.7.20)。受賞理由(こちらから)

On May 29, 2023, Professor Emeritus Nao-Aki Noda received the “Materials Society of Japan Branch Distinguished Service Award” at the General Meeting of Society of Materials Science, Japan.
This award is given to individuals or groups that have made outstanding achievements in terms of originality and usefulness in a series of recent research and technologies in the field of mechanics of materials and related fields. The award was given in recognition of its contribution to regional development through the revitalization of the industry and the promotion of industry-university collaborative research.
The Society of Materials Science, Japan (JSMS) has a history of more than 50 years since it was established on May 31, 1952 as the Japan Society for Testing and Materials, its predecessor. In March 1963, the name was changed to the Society of Materials Science, Japan, which is now known as the Society of Materials Science, Japan. As of the end of March, 2023, there are 1,875 regular members and 148 supporting members. So far, 15 people from the Kyushu area and 3 people from our university have received the JSMS Branch Distinguished Service Award.
• The reason for the award was published in the Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan (2023.07.20).