Message from the dean / 工学研究院長メッセ-ジ(英語版)
Message from the dean
Teruhsia Ohno
[Message to all]
With regard to this issue of coronavirus infection, I understand that you are taking measures to control the affected people and are facing severe mental and financial difficulties.
The outbreak of the new coronavirus on a global scale, which we have never experienced, has forced Kyushu Institute of Technology to close, and we are working hard to control infection. From the initial stage of the discovery of the new coronavirus pneumonia problem, all faculty and staff will work together to respond to the return of students studying abroad, organize the system for collecting their physical condition after returning to Japan, collect and manage information on the physical condition of students on campus. We are working hard on arranging supplies, establishing online meetings and lecture systems, and have been struggling to survive in Fukuoka Prefecture, which is under severe conditions with the declaration of emergency. In addition, all staff are working together to promote constructing various systems, such as online meetings and remote lectures, in order to make the maximum possible effort to avoid a crowded place.
We, Kyushu Institute of Technology, are committed to contributing to the local community by overcoming the virus outbreak and transforming the current difficulties and hardships into hopes for recovery. We will work on research to pioneer the future society and transmit the results to society.
The University is in a situation where its faculty members can perform their functions as a university due to the faculty’s day and night efforts. Even under the spread of the new coronavirus, we will promptly improve our educational and research infrastructure and work on education, research, and social contribution more than ever before. We ask for your cooperation again.
[For students]
The University places the highest priority on the safety of students’ lives and checks the status as needed. In addition, the Faculty of Engineering is preparing various online processing systems, such as online lectures and course registration from home, for countermeasures against the new type of coronavirus after the university resumes. Please make sure that the information is assured, check the latest information from the Faculty of Engineering from time to time on the website of the Faculty of Engineering, and keep cautious action to avoid a crowded place and maintain a social distance. During the class break, pay close attention to the infection with the new coronavirus and set aside time for self-study to overcome hardships and improve yourself. Please pay attention to your physical and mental health while preparing for your student life after reopening the university.
[To faculty and staff]
It is important for faculty members to continue their research activities, of course, but above all, they will support students, establish online lectures and share information with students, restore the educational and research infrastructure, and respond to social demands. I would like you to work on coronavirus measures first.
We would like all staff members to perform necessary duties (coronavirus response duties, top priority duties) under the emergency situation declaration.
In each of your positions, please take active action as a university and as a member of society while paying attention to ensuring security against difficulties on a global scale.